How to use SMS for recruitment alerts

Reach the best hires via the channel they prefer – quickly and discreetly.

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Be where they are

Your next hires are looking for you – on their mobiles. Millennials are a huge segment of the job market and texting is their number one preferred channel for business notifications.

Better response rates

The direct, unignorable nature of SMS messages means they tend to generate impressive response rates. One of our clients – a huge software and services provider – saw a 55% increase after making the switch to SMS.

Improved recruitment rate

SMS can make an impact at every stage of the recruitment process – from initial contact, to organising interviews and providing feedback. But it’s the aggregate benefit that makes it an essential recruitment channel – more hires, for a lower cost.

Put SMS at the heart of your recruitment

The first step is segmenting your database of candidates according to job roles. And automating the delivery of personalized vacancy alerts. Use two-way SMS to schedule interviews and follow up with another text to confirm the time and place. Be sure to  include links to any assessments that should be completed.

Keep them informed throughout

Use your SMS platform to engage with candidates throughout the recruitment process. Text appointment reminders, status updates and deadlines for outstanding information. When the vacancy has been filled, text candidates with a short SMS survey. SMS surveys have high response rates and show candidates that you care about their experience.

 Better reach

Two-thirds of job seekers prefer to be contacted via text, and 44% of candidates under 40 have received text messages from recruiters. (Jobvite, as reported on smallbizgenius)

Fewer dropouts

Using SMS for recruitment alerts ensures that candidates turn up on time. One of our clients saw a 40% decrease in no shows simply by alerting candidates ahead of meetings.

Reduce cost-per-hire

Chasing candidates over the phone is expensive as it’s a manual task – one or more people in your contact centre need to call and chase candidates. With SMS alerts, you can automate communications across the entire recruitment process. This has a huge impact on cost per hire.

Be discreet

Everyone leaves their phone on their desk at work so mask the name of your business when sending messages.

Integrate other channels

To get the best from SMS, use it in conjunction with other channels. For example, it’s likely you’ll be using email to request sensitive documents that candidates are unwilling to share via text. Follow these messages with an automated SMS that steers the potential recruit towards their inbox.


How we can help


A library of ready-to-launch campaigns

A low-code drag-and-drop campaign builder

An intuitive user interface

Data visualisations and in-depth reporting

Flexible APIs


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