The case for SMS delivery alerts | OpenMarket

The case for SMS delivery alerts

Why you need to add text to your communications strategy.

Brands use email to communicate with customers because it’s a quick and cheap way of getting their message across. But increasingly, emails are being ignored or deleted by customers before they’ve even been read.

With 98% of text messages read compared with 20% of emails, SMS has become the clear choice to supercharge customer interactions. In our eBook, you’ll discover why.

Read it now to discover:

  • How brands are improving customer communication using SMS delivery alerts
  • Why an Empathetic Interaction needs perfect timing
  • When you might want to skip email, and send a text instead


Get the guide

Mobile messages get read. The open rate for text messages is 98% – 90% within three minutes. Studies suggest business open rates hover around 20% for email, and most emails sit there for hours, if not days, before they’re opened.