ROI calculator for SMS delivery notifications

Find out how much you can save by turning missed deliveries into rescheduled appointments.

Automated text messaging is the easiest and most empathetic way to interact with your customers in a whole range of situations. And it’s incredible for your bottom line too. This calculator shows you how much you’d gain by using text messaging for delivery notifications.

Delivery notifications

Missed deliveries are bad for you and your customers. Giving customers the option to confirm or rearrange delivery times via text delights them and can save you a fortune.

How many deliveries do you attempt on average each month?

What is your current missed delivery rate (averages range between 15-20%)?


What is the cost of the average missed delivery (taking into account customer service, shipping and labour costs)?


Impact level
The financial impact of text messaging depends on its execution. Use the slider to see typical rates of ROI.

*Giving customers the chance to rearrange deliveries by text reduces missed deliveries by 15% to 35%.

Min Avg Max

Total missed


Total cost of
missed deliveries


Reduction in
missed deliveries


Let's discuss your results

Ready to talk?

Let’s get you connected. These calculations are based on averages. To build a more tailored business case for SMS fill in your details below and we’ll arrange a consultation.

Let’s Talk