Receive Confirmation of Credit

OpenMarket sends this notification when the status of an attempted credit changes. The type of credit notification is identified by the creditState parameter, as either:

  • confirmed — The mobile operator has applied the credit to the mobile phone account.
  • failed — The credit request failed. You will be able to determine why using the outcomeReasonId code.

Each credit attempted is identified with a unique creditId. The creditId is returned in all notifications about the credit.

Quick facts



Response required

HTTP 200 with a non-empty body


United Kingdom


You must have Crediting provisioned with OpenMarket.

More information

See Mobile Crediting Overview.

Request from OpenMarket

The request from OpenMarket includes data in the URL and request header. There are no parameters included in request body.

Example confirmed credit request

Failed requests include an outcomeReasonId. This identifies why the credit failed.

Example failed credit request

Query parameters




An ID that uniquely identifies the original credit request. This is a 64-bit unsigned integer.

Returned: Always


A unique ID identifying the specific update to the given credit. This can be used to filter duplicate updates if received.

Returned: Always


Identifies the type of notification and the current state of the credit.

  • confirmed — The credit was applied to the end user's account.
  • failed — The credit request failed.

Returned: Always


The date and time of the update in the format:

 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss [timezone]

The time zone indicated is relative to GMT; e.g.: 2013-04-29 14:31:02 +0100.

Returned: Always


The mobile phone number of the end user. This will be in international format with no leading "+" character; for example: 447700900750.

Returned: Always


A numeric ID representing the mobile operator as known by OpenMarket (e.g., 383 for AT&T and 77 for Verizon Wireless).

Returned: Always


The account type of the mobile phone; either prepay or postpay.

Returned: When available


Code defining the reason for the outcome of the request. For the list of codes used in notifications, see outcomeReasonId codes below.

Returned: Only when required


Natural language description of the outcome.

Returned: Only when required

outcomeReasonId codes

If there was an issue with the credit request, then the notification from us includes an outcomeReasonId.




This mobile operator has reached its credit limit and will not accept any further credit requests until the next calendar month. Contact your account manager for more details.


The MSISDN’s account has reached the allowed limit for account crediting through Mobile Crediting. This limit is set by the mobile operator. Contact your account manager for more details.


This MSISDN is barred from crediting. The end user must contact their mobile operator’s customer services to lift this ban if they wish to receive credits.


This MSISDN does not currently have an account with the mobile operator associated with the number.


The MSISDN’s billing account does not allow credits. For example, it may be a business account.


The MSISDN is on an MVNO that does not support Mobile Crediting.


The price point is not provisioned on this brand. Please contact your account manager to confirm your configured price points.


The MSISDN is on a mobile operator that supports Mobile Crediting but is not configured on your account. Please contact your account manager.


There is an outage on the mobile operator’s system. Please check the system status notifications from OpenMarket and contact Support for further help.


OpenMarket is experiencing a temporary problem processing Mobile Crediting requests. Please retry your request, and contact Support for further help.


MSISDN is on an unrecognised mobile operator.


MSISDN is on an unsupported mobile operator.

Responding to the request

Your platform should return an HTTP 200 response with a non-empty body. This response must be given in a timely manner (under 10 seconds).


I'm not receiving any crediting notification

If you do not receive requests from us to an HTTPS URL, but you can receive them over standard HTTP, a possible cause is that we do not recognize and trust your server's security certificate. You must obtain an additional certificate from one of the trusted certification authorities.