Receive Unsubscribe

These notifications identify when you should no longer consider an end user as subscribed to your service.

You can receive a unsubscribe notification via either email or through this HTTP request. By default, notifications are sent via email; to enable HTTP notifications please contact OpenMarket Support.

Important: The information and contents displayed in these pages is for the OpenMarket's legacy UK SMS APIs. This information is relevant if only you're still using these APIs. For information on migrating from these APIs, see the API Release Notes. Please note, however, that Reporting is still done through Partner Centre, located here:

Quick facts



Response required

HTTP 200 response with a non-empty body.


Available for existing customers only.

More information

All information for this request is on this page.

Sources of unsubscribe notifications

We will send an unsubscribe notification if:

  • We receive confirmation that a user's number is no longer active on a particular mobile operator.
  • The end user sent "STOP" to a shared short code. Because we are unable to determine which service the STOP was intended for, we will remove the user's number from the whitelists of all companies who share the short code.
  • The end user calls our customer-care lines.

Request from OpenMarket

Unsubscribe notifications take the form of an HTTP GET request to your platform.

In this example, the request indicates that the mobile number 447884436692 should no longer receive messages from the short code 82222:

You can use an HTTPS (SSL) URL to protect the data while it's in transit.

The possible parameters are in the table below.



msisdn The mobile number of the end user.
shortcode The short code that the unsubscribe relates to.

Date and time of request in the format:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss


The source of the request (max length of 50 characters):

  • IVR - call to automated removal service
  • STOP - MO STOP SMS sent in
  • UnknownSubscriber - user is no longer a customer of the mobile operator
  • UNKNOWN - any other reason

Responding to the request

You should respond with a non-empty HTTP 200 response. If a 200 response is not given within a timeout (60 seconds) then we retry the request.

You may wish to filter duplicate requests—these might occur if for some reason we did not receive your HTTP response in time.

If there are any errors receiving the request, please use standard HTTP error response codes.