Building the business case for SMS

Prove the strategic value of text.

Automated text messaging is the easiest and most empathetic way to interact with your customers in a whole range of situations. And it’s incredible for your bottom line too. This calculator shows you how much you’d gain by using texting for five kinds of customer interaction.

The ROI of appointment reminders

Appointment reminders

When your customers miss appointments, you miss out on revenue. Automated text reminders can help with that.

On average, how many appointments do you schedule every month?

What is your missed appointment rate (averages range from 5-8%)?

What is the average cost of a missed appointment (consider lost revenue and rescheduling costs)?

Impact level
The financial impact of text messaging depends on its execution. Use the slider to see typical rates of ROI.

*On average, text reminders reduce missed appointments by between 10% and 30%

Min Avg Max

Total missed

Total cost of
missed appointments

Reduction in
missed appointments

Financial benefit of reduction in missed appointments/deliveries

Let's discuss your results

The ROI of password management

Self-service password or log-in issues

Managing password or log-in issues on the phone can be costly. This is a perfect text messaging opportunity.

How many customers do you have (approximately)?

What is the average percentage of customers contacting you each month regarding login or password issues (average is between 5 – 8%)

How much does it cost to manage each call (average is between $6 and $8)?

Impact level
The financial impact of text messaging depends on its execution. Use the slider to see typical rates of ROI.

*Text messaging reduces password or login-related calls by 10% to 25%.

Min Avg Max

Total cost of
current call volume

Reduction in
call volume

Cost savings of reduction in call volume

Let's discuss your results

The ROI of proactive messaging

Proactive customer service

Call centers are expensive. Texting is a great way to proactively answer queries before they need to be escalated.

How many calls does your call center take per month (on average)?

How much does it cost to manage each call (average is between $6-$8)?

Impact level
The financial impact of text messaging depends on its execution. Use the slider to see typical rates of ROI.

*On average, automated text conversations replace 10 to 20% of calls.

Min Avg Max

Total cost of
current call volume

Reduction in
call volume

Cost savings of reduction in call volume

Let's discuss your results

The ROI of delivery notifications

Delivery notifications

Missed deliveries are bad for you and your customers. Giving customers the option to confirm or rearrange delivery times via text delights them and can save you a fortune.

How many deliveries do you attempt on average each month?

What is your current missed delivery rate (averages range between 15-20%)?

What is the cost of the average missed delivery (taking into account customer service, shipping and labour costs)?

Impact level
The financial impact of text messaging depends on its execution. Use the slider to see typical rates of ROI.

*Giving customers the chance to rearrange deliveries by text reduces missed deliveries by 15% to 35%.

Min Avg Max

Total missed

Total cost of
missed deliveries

Reduction in
missed deliveries

Financial benefit of reduction in missed deliveries

Let's discuss your results

The ROI of offers and promotions

Offers and promotions

Texting customers special offers and promotional messages they’d appreciate receiving is a smart way to increase sales.

How many people are on your marketing list?

What is your average basket size/sales price?

What is your average profit margin on each sale?

Impact level
The financial impact of text messaging depends on its execution. Use the slider to see typical rates of ROI.

*The average conversion ranges from 2-8%

Min Avg Max

Number of impressions you
make on your list

Number of

total revenue

Estimated total profit

Let's discuss your results

We should talk

These calculations are based on averages. To build a more tailored business case for SMS fill in your details below and we’ll arrange a consultation.

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