
Understanding the Pros of SMS vs. Push Notifications vs. Email

When it comes to connecting with customers via their mobile devices, businesses have options. Generally speaking, these choices include SMS, push notifications, and email. Each has its own set of benefits, but which is the best option for your business? That’s a question we’re going to look at, in an effort to help you decide where your resources are best allocated for future success.

Pros of SMS


Let’s start with the benefits of SMS, as it represents one of the fastest growing forms of mobile communication for businesses and their customers.

 Pros of Push Notifications


Now let’s look at the pros of push notifications to understand how this communication channel works.

  Pros of Email


Finally, let’s look at the pros of email as a form of mobile communication:

Honing in on SMS

While value can be extracted from each of these three forms of mobile communication, it almost always comes down to timing. It’s becoming increasingly clear in the marketplace that SMS is the most effective option for many companies globally. In addition, consumers, particularly those in the millennial generation, expect their customer interactions to be easy, relevant and quick – which is exactly what SMS provides.

As consumers become more tech-savvy, the power of SMS will only grow. According to available statistics, more than 350 billion text messages are exchanged throughout the world every month. A growing portion of these – somewhere around 15% – are classified as commercial or marketing related. As customers become more familiar with business-related texts, the power of SMS will increase. Now is the time to get ahead of the curve and establish your mobile presence.

Contact OpenMarket Today

At OpenMarket, our enterprise-grade mobile messaging solutions support four of the top 10 global brands today. A single connection to our network gives you seamless access to billions of mobile users across the globe. And whether you’re in need of one-way or two-way mobile messaging, we’ve got you covered. For additional information regarding our SMS solutions, please contact us today!